Welcome to Pequea Connect!

We are in the process of creating a dynamic dealer portal. Please bear with us as we develop this site and bring more content your way. 

To view your sales orders, invoices and open quotes, please press the button below or in the upper right hand click your name and my account.

Check back frequently for added resources and functionality.

5/28/2024 - V1.2 Release Notes:

1)      When a dealership logs into Pequea Connect, they will see the contact information for both Pequea as well as the outside sales rep assigned to them.

 2)      You’ll notice a few menu items have different names. Before the menu item to print all of your customer invoices was simply labeled Customers. It has been changed to Open Orders & Invoices. As that title states, you can now go into that menu item and download\print your customers Open Orders AND Open Invoices.

 3)      In the menu item for Invoices & Bills, you now have the ability to filter by invoice status

 4)      Invoices that have been paid will show the date of the final payment satisfying that invoice.

 5)      In the menu items for Sales Orders, and Invoices & Bills, you now have the ability to filter then export the filtered results to a CSV file.

 6)      In the menu item Sales Orders, there is a new column called “status” which will show you what stage the order is in. You can also filter this column.

If you have any questions feel free to contact techsupport@pequea.com